Patrice Washington, the Visionary,
Creator and Chief Organizer of the Mommy Wisdom Circle
Hello and welcome!!
My name is Patrice Washington and
I'm the proud creator of the Mommy Wisdom Circle (MWC).
When my husband and I welcomed our
son into the world six years ago, we were clueless! If there was a first time
parent handbook for dummies, we would have been the ideal couple to purchase
the book and to be featured in the "What NOT to do to your
baby" section. All in all we tried hard, read lots of books along the way
and would cuddle up to the internet during the times our son was sleeping just
to get answers for our never ending parenting questions. We can say proudly
that our son is ALIVE and WELL and is such a joy to watch grow.
However, when I became pregnant last
year with my now two month old daughter, I felt like that 20'something new
parent all over again. I found that all of the things I thought I'd learned
from child number one was forgotten and I needed to get a jump start on my
studying. This time around, I immersed myself in mom clubs and the company of
other expecting women.
I found that simple conversations
with other new moms and soon to be moms was more helpful than anything I could
have retained from picking up a book or surfing the internet - and, the best
part is that they weren't going anywhere. There was no bookmarking the page or
spending tons of money on books - instead, it was a casual conversation over
coffee or a phone call and voila, I received answers to my questions.
Having this immediate no cost and
great resource of information, I thought, "Why not organize a club where
we can serve as our own parenting resources?!?!" And, from that thought,
the MWC was born.
While the primary purpose of the MWC
is to serve as a face-to-face gathering for moms, its online complement, this
blog will serve as an invaluable resource to moms by sharing advice and tips on
subjects that most moms struggle with, such as fashion, work life balance and
much more. Every Sunday, I intend to post something that I’ve learned or
discovered within the past week – these postings will be dubbed as the Sunday
Post. The Sunday Post brings you, the reader into the most intimate parts of my
life as a I journey through motherhood the second time around, all while being
active on my son’s PTO, maintaining a career and multiple side interests.
More about Patrice. She resides outside of Washington, DC and is a firm believer
in having multiple irons in the fire. She enjoys helping small business owners
bring out the full potential in their business and therefore lends her business
expertise as a Writer for the DC Washington Examiner
catering to start ups and solopreneurs. When she’s not helping others achieve
maximum success in business, she is serving as the Vice President to a Maryland
based nonprofit, Pursuing A Dream Corporation where she assists in developing community programs to bridge the gap between
minorities in pursuit of a education in Science, Technology, Engineering and
Math. And, while a girl, can’t be all work and no play, she enjoys
being creative by designing jewelry. In 2010, she successfully turned her hobby
for jewelry making into a profit bearing collection, known as Handmade by Patrice.
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