Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Power of a Power Nap

Today is one of those days where I can barely keep my eyes open. You know, the type of day that started at 2am when your newborn wakes up hungry and wet and doesn’t go to sleep until 4:45am when you have to wake up at 5. < --- I know this is a run on sentence, but I’m too tired to even fix it. You understand, right?!?!

Now that I’m back in the workforce, I can no longer follow the new mom rule that says, “sleep when the baby sleeps”, but I’ve learned that I can take a power nap during my lunch break!!  While on my scheduled lunch break today, I said forget the lunch time hot dog and chips, pass me a pillow and a blanket. Luckily, the organization that I work for has a Nurse unit where employees who aren’t feeling well can take a moment to be examined and rest if necessary in one of the assigned resting rooms. On this day, I was that employee who needed the rest break and I have to say that after my power nap, I felt like an entirely new woman. I felt fully energized and ready to finish the day strong.

New moms, how do you catch up on rest missed from caring for your new baby? Please share your pearls of wisdom.

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